Saturday, February 20, 2016

The 2016 Inferno Hypercar Concept

A Ridiculously Mad Hypercar Concept

Inferno 1400 Horse Power Supercar Comes Straight Out of Mexico ... (Sorry for bad quality. Only good picture I could find.)


     Recently a new joint-developed hypercar concept from the United States, Mexico, and Italy, as well as entrepreneurs, scientists, and engineers, was created for 2016. This new car comes from a new company called Inferno and currently it doesn't have a name yet. Reception on this concept has been met with mixed opinions, with the majority being negative. I however think this car is so madly designed it might as well be completely mindless. Haha. Anyway let's see what the three nations managed to create.
      Apparently the Inferno hypercar concept has been in development for a total of seven years. The original design was thought of by an Italian named Antonio Farraioli who is also very famous for penning three Lamborghinis. Those Lamborghinis happen to be the Veneno, Aventador SV, and Asterion concept. That might just make some of the negative comments go away.
     Anyway the Inferno hypercar concept is equipped with an unnamed naturally aspirated V-8 (another good sign) that delivers 1,400 horsepower and 670 pound-feet of torque. That amount of horsepower is 51 less than the Hennessey Venom GT. Naught to sixty time is said to take less than 3 seconds, while the top speed of the car is 245.4 mph. That's scary for a car that looks like a monster but in a good way in my opinion. By the way that top speed is 22 mph slower than a Veyron, but 5 mph quicker than the legendary McLaren F1 designed by Gordon Murray. 
     Not much is known about the exterior or interior, but I do know that some if not all of the cars body is made of "metal foam." That almost sounds a bit liquid metal Terminator there.
     As for the price of the Inferno hypercar concept, if it ever makes it into production, will likely be over $1 million is US dollars. Despite that the car originally comes from Mexico, all of the Inferno cars will be built in Italy. I don't know about everyone else but I really hope this evil looking car makes it into production.